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Friday, October 5, 2018



                   HELLO FRNDZZ...  Followed by the growing stage of embryo, we are going to see some amazing facts that how foetus grows...

                   It's something amazing right ?.. A single cell develops into a full human being with hands,legs,etc..etc..  inside the small womb of the amazing the science and nature is ...?
                    The following stages are observed in the growing foetus.

1.When.4 weeks old:
                     At 4 weeks old , the embryo is shape of the prawn and has a tail ,it's arms legs are little more than buds .eyes and ears are forming and the heart starts to pump working at a rate of 150 beats a minute.


2.When 6 Weeks old:
                      The face is taking shape and the hands and feet are forming . they look like paddles at first because the fingers and toes are joined together by webs of skin.

 3.When 10 Weeks old :
                       The foetus has eyelids but they will remain fused shut for the next three months. It can swallow and urinate into the amniotic fluid.

4.When 15 Weeks old :
                         The foetus is now the size of a hamster . facial features are well formed. It swallows amniotic fluid and hiccups so strongly that the mother can feet it.

5.When 22 Weeks old:
                        Just over half way through pregnancy, the foetus can now move it's fingers, which have developed finger prints. the mother begins to feel the foetus kicking inside her.


6. When 34 Weeks old:
                         The foetus is nearly fully developed . It practises breathing by inhaling fluid about 40 times a minute . It can smell it's mother's meals and recognize her voice.

7. At Birth :
          After the umbilical cord is cut , a baby takes it's first breath. fluid drains out of it's lungs and  they fill with air.  the baby will now gets it's oxygen from the air  in the lungs rather than from it's mother's blood via the placenta

That's all guysss.....Let's meet again with another interesting topic on the next post......Thank youu...

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